Business License

Persons engaged in the operation of a business must obtain the proper city and state/county license prior to beginning operation. A business operating outside the city limits may only be required to purchase a State/County license.

There are several differences in City and State/County licenses. A City license is issued at City Hall, while the State/County license is issued through the County in which the business is located. The State/County license must be purchased at the Office of the Judge of Probate. The City License is valid for a calendar year, i.e., January 1 through December 31, while State/County business licenses are valid for a fiscal year, i.e., October 1 through September 30. State/County licenses must be renewed by October 31 to avoid penalties and interest charges.

Many businesses are exempt from obtaining a State/County business license. A determination of exemption is made by the Business License Section of the Probate Office.